Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Dr Gero's Lab

  1. Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Dr Gero's Lab Mix
  2. Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Dr Gero's Lab Mix
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You now control Goku, go to Capsule Corp. Talk to Bulma and she'll give you the Dragon Ball Radar (cool!). Go out to the map and you'll see lots of stars, those are the dragon ball locations, you need to find 'em all. 1st Ball: Go to the Northern Wastelands, and go to the Goku-only-level-35 door, break it and activate the switch inside. Where is the computer in dr geros lab, Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II Questions and answers, Gameboy Advance. Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II - Walkthrough.Locate Dr. Gero's lab in the Northern Mountains When you land, head (N). Just a few steps and a cutscene ensues. Android 20 states that.

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Vinnie's Breaker Combo

When breaking the generator in Vinnie's house, the order of the breakers from left to right is 'off, on, off, off, on, on' then the door in Vinnie's house will open, and in there is a generator.

7 Nameks Locations

Keep using picclos speical beam cannon until you defeat him. You have to get energy from rocks.

Level Up Quick

Go to the place with snow. In the top right corner of the place you fly.

Level Up Quick

Go to the place with snow. In the top right corner of the place you fly.

Power Level Gohan (may Work With Others)

When you are out looking for Dr. Gero's lab, you fight him once before entering a save area. While in the save area don't go forward, instead go left to. There you will find a barrier with an orange '? ' mark on it (which is for Goku)after you kill the tiger bandits use the Masenko wave to hit the triceratops on the other side of the gate, after you hit it, it will charge at but wont hit you (thanks to the barrier) you can punch it through the wooden area of the gate or use the Masenko wave on it till it dies. Repeat this process until you reach a desired level. (Ive gotten Gohan to level 40 with using this glitch).


If you go to Capsule Corp. To Bulmas room, you will see Bulma's mom in the living room or the kitchen. Talk to her and she will give you a cookie. You can keep gathering cookies until you have 99 of them. They will give you 5 HP each.

Ki Energy Regain

If you run out of energy, get to a secluded place with no enemies, or if you are in a big battle, get to a place where the boss can't get to you, and wait. Eventually your character will do something to recharge their energy. This list describes what for each character:
Gohan: Sits on the ground to rest (recharges faster if he is close to something he can sit & lean against)
Piccolo: Floats in the air and begins to enter a Namkian Meditative State (Meditating)
Vegeta: Stands still and holds out a Saiyan Energy Orb, it begins to glow and cause a slight wind that recharges Vegeta's Ki Energy
Trunks: After a while of standing still, Trunks gets out his sword, sticks the tip of it in the ground, and leans on it
Goku: Goku gets down on the ground on his hands and knees and then begins to do push-ups
Hercule: Hurcule does absolutely nothing. He just stands there the same way all the time, but in doing so, he regains his normal human energy, not Ki Energy.

Hiding From Android 17

During the battle against 17 hide behind the tree were he can't attack but you can.

Talking Dog

Talk to a normal dog and the first three times he will say Woof! Then when you talk to him the fourth time he will say Would you rub my tummy please?

Dbz legacy of goku

Golden Capsules: Locations

In order to do this your character must be ableto turn into super saiyan or super namek. Firstturn into super saiyan or super namek, then afew seconds before you run out of energy, holdthe A button and let it go after your energyruns out and your no longer a super saiyan orsuper namek.(the glow won't stop unless you flyout or go to another section)

Easy Way To Beat The Androids With GoHon

When you get there with Vageta, you should find asave spot and save. Switch to Gohon. Then get to25-30 to beat andrid 19. Then get to 35-40 to getclose to beet android 20.

Fishy Deal

Later in the game Yajirobe will stop giving yousenzu beans.To get more talk to Korin at histower(use the flight circle on Kami's lookout)and he'll ask you for three fish. To get fish goin an area where water is(ex. lake intriceratops jungle) and fight enemies. If wateris in the same screen as you are in, the enemymight drop a fish. Give three fish to Korin andyou get a senzu bean.

Unlock Statues

To unlock the statues for Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks,and Piccolo, get each character to level 50.Then, find each character's level 50 barrier, andbrake it. Get to the end of the tunnel, and findthe statue. The statue will go to the capsulecorperation where you can admire it whenever youwant.

Energy Refill

When you are battling, and depleted your energybar, (green) (Ex. battling Triceretops King) runaround enough and it will show up.


To use the Scouter hit the select button.

Golden Capsule Locations

After collecting all twenty five GoldenCapsules, see Dr. Briefs. He lets you keep one.When used through the Item window, it takes youback to the World Map if you are standingoutside. It will not work inside buildings orcaves.West City: 5Warlord's Domain: 2Triceratops Jungle: 2Southern Continent: 3Northern Mountains: 6Outside Gingertown: 2Gingertown: 1Tropical Islands: 1East District 439: 2Master Roshi's Island: 1

Play As Hercule (Mr. Satan)

Get to Level 50 with Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Trunks. Go to the character specific gates marked with 50 to collect trophies. The locations are as follows:After you complete the Cell Games, Hercule (Mr.Satan) will become available.

Easy Health

Save and reset, then chose another player.Switch back and you should have full health.

In- Game Reset

During the game, hold down A, B, Select, andStart all at once. But remember, you must keepthem held down.

We have no unlockables for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: ccr123.Read the full guide...

Created by: tishoo.Read the full guide...

Dragon Ball Z: Dynasty

By Feraligreater328

Chapter 67: The Secret Labs of Dr. Gero

In a small settlement in the countryside...

Android 18 sat in the hair salon with a sigh and a groan, watching as the stylist tried to fix the damage that had been done. The feminine Android grumbled under her breath as her hair was buzzed down on the side, until only a 1-inch layer remained. 'I really should have killed him for this...'

The hair stylist behind her spoke. 'Pardon, darlin'?'

Android 18 shook her head. 'Nothing...'

Outside of the salon...

Android 17 whistled a jaunty tune as he laid in the floorboard on his newly acquired ride. In the back alley near the van, both of the former occupants laid beaten and unconscious. 17 touched two wires together and made a spark. He chuckled. 'Heh heh! Still got it!'

'What are you doing?'

Android 17 sat up, looking at his sister. He chuckled and smirked at her. 'New hair looks good!'

Android 18 glanced at 17's hotwire job, and then at the keys still dangling from the ignition. 'Wh-Why...what is even the point of...'

17 held up his hands. 'Now now, come on! I'm just trying to have some fun, that's all~'

18 facepalmed. 'But the keys are right there...'

17 nodded. 'Yeah, they were my back-up plan if the hotwire didn't work!'

18 rolled her eyes. 'What good would that have done?! The hotwire would have busted the-'

Heavy footsteps interrupted the two Androids' bickering. The both turned to see their larger companion, Android 16, approaching. In his right hand, 16 held a garment bag. His face was stoic. 'I have acquired the clothing as you requested, Android 18.'

Android 18 smiled. 'Thank you, 16. At least you get things done quickly!'

As 18 took the bag, 17 rolled his eyes. 'Where's the fun in doing anything quickly?!'

But then, to 17's shock, 18 opened the garment bag and her face turned green. She pulled from the bag a dark brown, leather vest and an accompanying get-up. In the bottom of the bag were a pair of cowboy boots. 'I...I...'

Android 17 chuckled. 'No, wait. I change my mind. Rushing through some things can be pretty fun.'

18 was stunned. '16...'

Android 16 spoke. 'I selected the outfit based on several factors: which colors would match your eye and hair coloration, you skin tone, and your demeanor most holistically. I also factored in previous fashion choices of yours recorded onto my sensors. But, most importantly...'

Android 18 grumbled to herself. 'Gero's sensors are pieces of hot sh-'

16 continued. 'I also picked this outfit because you now have a hairstyle stylistically similar to my own. And this was the closest analogue to my own outfit that I could find.'

18 blushed, glancing up at the larger Android who now had a friendly smile on his face. 17 laughed out loud. 'Oh man! You look like such a picky bitch!'

She sneered and shoved 17 into the side of the van. 'Shut up!'

She climbed into the back and slammed the door shut. Android 17 smirked. 'Hey, seriously though, that was a nice sentiment, big guy. I-'

17 was surprised to see 16 walking away. He called after him. 'Hey man! Where's the fire?'

16 didn't respond. 17 watched as 16 crossed the street, eventually arriving next to two children standing teary-eyed next to a tree. 16 knelt down to the children and they pointed up to their pet cat, scared atop the tallest branch. 17 frowned at the sight of the kids, a boy and a girl. Both of them alone and helpless to deal with their problem.

The backdoor to the van opened and 18 stepped out in her new clothes. 'This just isn't my day...'

She looked to 17 and then looked in the direction he was looking towards 16. The giant Android hovered upwards, gently grabbing the frightened cat at the top and brought it down to the awaiting children. 17 and 18 both watched on as the children thanked 16 and then went on their way. 16 turned, noticing his counterparts staring at him, and then walked back over to them. 'Are the articles of clothing I acquired satisfactory, Android 18?'

18 adopted a small smile. 'Y-Yeah. Thanks, 16.'

17 chuckled. 'You know man, you're just full of surprises~'

Android 16's smiled faded. 'We have acquired Android 18's cosmetic upgrades and the vehicle that Android 17 desired. We should commence with operations to eliminate Son Goku.'

17 chuckled and jumped into the driver's seat. 'Right-o.'

18 walked to the passenger side. 'You cool with the back, 16?'

16 nodded. 'That is acceptable.'

And so, the Android's climbed into their new ride and set off on their deadly assassination mission.

The ruins of Dr. Gero's Site Alpha...

Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu descended from the sky and landed in front of the ruined mountain that was once Dr. Gero's lab. Taking a cursory look around, Tien eventually spotted the secondary entrance on the lower side of the mountain. 'It's a door!'

The three of them walked over to the new door and Piccolo peered in. 'Stay sharp. I sense Gohan within this tunnel. But there could still be traps.'

Within Site Beta...

Arriving deep within the sub-lab, Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu were shocked to find how spacious the cavern was. Standing in the center, next to two noticeable metal circles on the ground, were Gohan and Yajirobe. The rotund ronin was holding onto a slumbering Baby Trunks. Chiaotzu called over to them. 'Gohan! Yajirobe!'

Gohan turned. 'Oh! Hey guys!'

And then he flinched at how light the groups numbers had become. 'Wh-Where is everybody?'

Piccolo waved him off. 'I'll explain in a minute. Where is Bulma?'

Yajirobe pointed with his thumb at a safe on the wall. 'She's in there.'

Chiaotzu flinched. 'In that small wall safe?! But...how?! Why?!'

Suddenly, Bulma's voice called out. 'Through the power of science!'

The three newly arrived warriors flinched. They watched as a speck jumped from the keyhole in Dr. Gero's safe and then grew into a full-sized Bulma. She stood and, with a smirk, turned and entered the proper code onto Gero's safe. The safe's security disengaged and it flew open. Bulma laughed. 'Nice try, old geezer! Maybe next time you'll try something harder than a triple-encrypted chamber lock!'

Tien was perplexed. 'Bulma, how did you do that?'

Bulma reached to her wrist and pulled off what appeared to be a watch. 'The Micro-Band! One of teenage Bulma's most handy inventions!'

And then, with a massive ear-to-ear smirk on her face, Bulma reached into the safe and pulled out three, tightly-bound blueprints. 'Bingo! 16, 17, and 18!'

But then, upon scanning the returning party, Bulma's smile faded. 'Oh no...wh-where is everybody? What happened?!'

Piccolo sighed. 'I'll explain the situation.'

Earlier, after the fight with 17 and 18...

A furious scream echoed out across the canyon as Vegeta's power flared. The Prince's anger and fury surged across the former battlefield. He stomped his foot and sent fissures spreading across the ground. 'Those damned brats! I'll kill them! I'll hunt them down and find them and kill them both!'

Krillin's hands were shaking as he tried to reason with the Saiyan. 'Vegeta! Just calm down for a minute! Please!'

Tien shook his head, rubbing his sore arm as the Senzu Bean took effect. 'We're a few thousand tics past calm...'

Krillin sighed and helped Future Ranch stand up. He glanced back at Future Daikon and Future Trunks, watching as the purple-haired youth examined his shattered blade. 'You okay, Trunks...?'

Future Trunks remained silent. Future Ranch walked over and gently consoled him, stroking her hand across his back in a soothing motion. As Vegeta continued to rage and throw a fit, Future Ranch glared at him. Future Daikon sighed. Chiaotzu covered his ears. 'He's being so loud...'

Raditz looked annoyed. 'Hey! Vegeta! Cut...it...'

Bardock marched by Raditz, having been healed by the last of Krillin's Senzu Beans. Without hesitation, the older Saiyan walked up to Vegeta. He grabbed the Prince by the shoulder, spinning him around so their eyes met, and then he decked Vegeta to the ground as hard as he could. Vegeta tumbled across the rocks and everyone gasped at what Bardock had just done.

Vegeta snarled. 'How dare-'

Bardock sneered. 'Just paying Trunks' receipt for him. He certainly won't strike back at you. And you know you deserved that. Cuz, guess what Vegeta...you lost because you weren't strong enough! We all did! All of us, and especially you, were-'

Future Trunks cried out. 'Wait!'

Bardock finished bluntly. 'Weak.'

His face glowing red, Vegeta turned and charged at Bardock. A blast formed in the Prince's hand, as if he were going to strike Bardock down right there. Bardock didn't flinch. He and Vegeta glared at one another, Vegeta practically frothing at the mouth. Bardock snorted. 'Aw, that's cute. You really think you can kill me right now?'

Vegeta gripped his fist and dispersed the blast, pain streaking across his incensed face. And then, with a furious scream, he blasted off like an angry firework and disappeared over the horizon. Future Trunks stammered. 'B-Bardock...'

Bardock turned and glared at the boy. 'Hm?!'

Future Trunks flinched. 'Th-Thank you...but that wasn't necessary...'

Bardock shrugged. 'Didn't really do it for you, honestly. Vegeta needed a wake-up call. Him treating you like shit was just a good enough reason to administer it.'

Future Ranch clicked her tongue. 'Either way...thanks, Grandpa. I dunno about Trunks or Vegeta...but I certainly needed that.'

Bardock turned and walked over. 'Anytime, sugar beet.'

He tussled Future Ranch's hair. And then he glanced over to Future Daikon. 'And you!'

Future Daikon stood up rail-straight. 'S-Sir?!'

Bardock shot him a thumbs up. 'You aren't damaged in the slightest. I guess you were that massive power a felt just a while back. So, good job!'

Future Daikon scratched the back of his head. 'W-We didn't really succeed though. Dr. Gero still got away...'

Bardock shrugged. 'Doesn't matter. Old bastard'll show up again eventually. Besides...'

He glanced back at the cross-armed Piccolo. 'Someone seems to have a plan of some kind.'

And then, to everyone's surprise, Bardock took to the air. As he rose up, Krillin called after him. 'B-Bardock! Where are you going?!'

Bardock was distant. He didn't even look at Krillin as he mumbled. '...all that training failed...need a new approach...'

And then, as fast as he could fly, Bardock took off. As soon as he was gone, Future Daikon cocked his head. 'I guess...Grandpa Bardock has something in mind for 17 and 18...'

Future Ranch instantly looked angry. Turning on her heel, she glared at the stalwart Piccolo. 'Hey Piccolo! What the hell?! You're just as strong as Vegeta is! Couldn't you have held those two in place long enough for Krillin to give us all Senzu Beans?!'

Future Trunks also looked quite angry. He gripped his fist. 'We could have taken them together. We could have ended this, Piccolo! How could you...?!'

Piccolo sighed. 'Could I have held them here? Perhaps...'

Future Daikon was confused. 'Then why-'

Piccolo continued. 'Could we have beaten them by ganging up on them? No. I don't think we could have.'

The Future Trio all flinched. Piccolo shook his head. 'Daikon and I landed here to find you all unconscious on the floor. And the Androids weren't so much as breathing heavy. I don't know whether that means they were extraordinarily strong, or if it implies something else...but I don't think we would have come out of that fight alive.'

Future Ranch scowled. 'How could you say that?! Gohan always told us that you were a bold fighter, and now-'

Future Trunks held up his hand. 'Gohan also told us Piccolo was an expert tactician. And... he's right.'

Future Ranch flinched. Future Trunks glanced up at Piccolo. 'The Androids themselves told us. They have infinite energy reserves. We...we didn't know that before. But now that we do...what do we do now...?'

Piccolo sighed. 'Going by what I was told by Krillin, it sounds as if myself, Vegeta, Goku, and MAYBE Bardock are the only ones that are even on par with 17 and 18's strength. Putting aside the massive question mark that is Android 16, we need to rise far above 17 and 18 if we are to survive in a fight against them.'

He glared at Future Ranch. 'Letting them go might have made some of you angry, but it also bought us some time to find a way to further ascend. Bardock and Vegeta are both going off to try and train their way towards victory, but I think I'd prefer a more tactical approach here.'

The Namekian's eyes flashed and a cape and turban appeared on his head and shoulders. 'We're playing a game of chess now. We need to get our pieces in place. Our king, their goal, is sick. But the Androids seem eager to play around in claiming him. So, our first move should be to secure him.'

The Namekian pointed in the opposite direction of the way the Android flew off. 'Trunks, Daikon, Ranch, Raditz, and Krillin: you all go to Goku's house. Gather him, gather Chi-Chi and everyone else, and get Goku to Kame House. That place is remote enough that, even if the Androids think of it, it should take them a while to locate it.'

Future Daikon seemed a bit concerned. 'Are you sure?'

Piccolo nodded. 'Kame House has an address, but I'm pretty sure Roshi keeps the coordinates private. We should be fine so long as no one raises their power level while on the island.'

Raditz nodded. 'Okay. We can get that done, Piccolo. But, what about the rest of you?'

Piccolo turned towards the direction of Dr. Gero's former lab. 'I'll be sending Gohan after all of you shortly. The rest of us are going to touch base with Bulma and see if we can come up with some idea of where Gero went. I'd like tie up that loose end for good...'

Back in the present...

Piccolo crossed his arms as he finished his little recap. 'So, now that I've filled you all in, you can leave Gohan.'

Gohan flinched. 'A-Are you sure, Mr. Piccolo?'

Piccolo nodded. 'Yes. Your family needs you right now more than we do. So, hurry along. As much as those three from the future, Raditz, or Krillin would fight to protect him, there's no one your Dad believes in and relies on in these times more than you, kid.'

Gohan gripped his fists and nodded. 'R-Right! You and Dad both can count on me, Mr. Piccolo!'

And then, Gohan ran towards the exit. Once the sound of the boy's footsteps vanished, Piccolo turned to Bulma. 'Now, Bulma, you took all the time to search this place out. Please tell me there was something here that we can use.'

Bulma smirked. 'Oh come on Piccolo, are you doubting me?'

Piccolo frowned, clearly not in a jovial mood. Bulma ignored his sour disposition though. 'Well, Mr. Demon King, in addition to having found these valuable blueprints to our friends 16, 17, and 18...I have discovered the name of this lab in your absence~'

Tien was confused. 'This lab has a name?'

Bulma nodded. 'Yep. The ruins above were known as Site Alpha. This place is Site Beta. And, gentlemen, I'm sure you'd agree with me that Site Beta is a bit barren. Too barren considering how Site Alpha looks.'

Chiaotzu looked around. 'It is pretty empty in here...'

Bulma walked across the room, stomping her heel down on each of the two metal circles nearer to the back wall. 'Right? There was definitely something here before. And, as a fellow scientist who wants people to stay out of her business, I'm willing to bet Gero relocated everything when he knew the heat was getting too close.'

She held up her finger. 'In other words...there are still more secrets of Dr. Gero to be found, boys!'

Piccolo's eyes narrowed. 'How would be have moved anything down here on such short notice?'

Bulma shrugged. 'A one-way, long-distance, single-planetary matter transporter wouldn't be too hard for a guy with Gero's brains to build.'

She chuckled. 'Too bad he didn't have one attached to his desk PC~'

Bulma pointed across the room to a dusty, little desk with her laptop sitting atop it. Next to the laptop was a computer monitor and the exposed hard-drive of the PC itself. Bulma walked over to her laptop and read the screen. 'Let's see what I've dug up while I was trying to break open that safe...'

She smirked. 'Oh~ Sloppy, sloppy Gero. Sloppy, sloppy.'

Bulma snapped her fingers and pointed at Piccolo. 'Piccolo, you can take Site Epsilon.'

She motioned to Tien. 'Tien, you can take Site Gamma.'

And then, she motioned to Chiaotzu. 'And you can take Site Delta, Chiaotzu.'

Piccolo nodded. 'And that's all of them?'

Bulma waved her hand. 'So far, yeah...there's still a bit of data left to dig through.'

Piccolo turned to the others. 'Okay then. Chiaotzu, you make a private mental channel between the four of us. We'll all get our coordinates from Bulma and then we'll see if we can hunt that old bastard down once and for all!'

At Goku's house...

The door opened behind them and Gine, Launch, and Yamcha turned to see Raditz and Krillin walking in. Gine nodded. 'Hey son, hey Krillin! Welcome home!'

Launch walked over to Raditz, balancing the cooing Baby Ranch in her right arm. She wrapped her free arm around Raditz's neck and kissed him on the cheek. 'Hey hubby~'

She frowned at Raditz's serious demeanor. 'Is something wrong?'

Raditz sighed. 'Lots of things. Where's Chi-Chi?'

Gine uncrossed her arms. 'She's in her and Kakarot's room taking care of him. What's going...on...?'

Gine looked past Krillin and Raditz and saw the Future Trio standing in the doorway. While she recognized the original, purple-haired boy straightaway. But, the other two...there was something both unfamiliar and extremely familiar about them. Gine looked at Raditz. 'I recognize future boy. But, who are those other two?'

Dragon ball z legacy of goku 2

Raditz stammered. 'U-Uh...well...ya see...'

Launch separated from her husband. She gently pushed him to the side and walked up to the trio. Pushing past Future Trunks and Future Daikon, she looked the teenage girl before her in the eyes. 'R-Ranch...?'

Everyone flinched. Launch looked the girl up and down, grabbing a small handful of her hair and looking closely at it. Launch spoke again. 'Raditz told me about the boy from the future...you're with that boy...and you have that hair...'

She looked Future Ranch in the eyes. 'You're a teenage girl from the future with that distinctive hair color...and you're wearing my hair ribbon in your hair...'

Finally, Future Ranch managed to produce a response. She sheepishly looked away from Launch and from her own, infant self and sighed. 'H-Hi, Mom...'

Krillin finally spoke up. 'Well then, I guess that cat's out of the bag. Gine, Launch, meet Trunks, Ranch, and Daikon. They're from the future.'

Gine flinched. 'Oh! I see...so you were Vegeta and Bulma's son from the future, huh?'

Future Trunks nodded. 'Y-Yes, ma'am...'

Gine smiled over at Future Ranch. 'And my beautiful granddaughter~'

Future Ranch blushed. 'It's...it's nice to meet you, Grandma...'

Finally, Gine walked up to Future Daikon. She looked him in the eye, examining him up and down. She grabbed his tail and examined it and then reached up and tussled his shaggy hair. Future Daikon was nervous. 'Is something...wrong...?'

Gine sighed, adopting a smile. 'You have my hair. So... you're my grandson, yes? Your name is...Daikon?'

Future Daikon nodded. 'Y-Yes ma'am. I'm Raditz and Launch's yet-to-be-conceived son...'

Gine crossed her arms. 'Interesting...'

Future Daikon flinched. 'Is something wrong...?'

Gine cocked her head. But, before she could speak, Raditz interrupted. 'We don't really have time to talk right now. We have to focus up and get Kakarot out of here. There are Androids on the way and none of us are strong enough to beat them in a fight right now.'

Launch flinched. 'There were more Androids that the ones that you, Vegeta, and Bardock fought?!'

Gine looked around. 'Wait, where is Bardock anyway?'

Raditz was growing frustrated. He scratched his head and snapped. 'Everyone shush! Gather what we need and let's get on mine and Launch's capsule plan! We need to get moving as soon as possible!'

Krillin nodded. 'I'll go tell Chi-Chi. You all start packing.'

As the time quickly passed, the state of the Son Family Homestead became quite hectic. Everyone got to work packing as Gine and Launch consoled the desperate Chi-Chi. Not only was Goku deathly ill, but now she was being forced to leave her house. Yamcha and Krillin hefted bags out the front door as the Future Trio stood guard in case of attacks. Raditz sighed and rubbed his face. 'I really hope there's a point to this other than delaying the inevitable, Piccolo...'

Yamcha and Krillin both ran back in, out of breath. Yamcha gave a thumbs up. 'Okay! We...we got all of the bags into the plane. All that's left is getting Goku in there!'

Krillin turned to the woman. 'Hey Chi-Chi...?'

Chi-Chi sniffled. 'Y-Yeah. We got Goku onto a portable futon. We just have to lift it and get him into the plane...even though he'd probably prefer his own bed while he's so ill...'

Launch gave her a pat on the back. 'We're sorry, Chi-Chi.'

Chi-Chi rubbed her stomach. 'My little one is due any time now...and I have to spend the last moments of my pregnancy at Roshi's perv shack?!'

Krillin rubbed the back of his head. 'I mean, would you prefer the An-'

Gine clamped her hand over Krillin's mouth. 'It'll be fine Chi-Chi. They just have to hold out a bit longer. Your little one will be fine if they can hold on just a couple of days~'

The Saiyan Mother looked to everyone else. 'Okay! Let's all head into the bedroom and grab Kakarot! Everyone grabbed a corner of the futon and try not to shake him around too much!'

Everyone quickly filed into the plane, crab-walking as they hefted Goku into the aircraft. Everyone took their seats and Krillin started the plane engine. But, as they began to take off, another being landed in the nearby yard. Gohan had arrived just in the nick of time. The boy ran into the plane, out of breath from how fast he was moving to make it on time. 'G-Glad I could make it. Is D-Dad okay...?'

Chi-Chi sprang up as fast as her pregnant body could lift itself. She ran over to her son and wrapped him in a tight hug. 'Gohan! I was so worried!'

Gohan hugged her back. Chi-Chi motioned to the futon. 'Your Father has taken the dose of medicine we had left. Everything else is up to him and his body to sort out...'

Gohan nodded. 'That's fine. Dad is strong. He can power through it.'

Krillin smiled back at the warm, family moment. 'Okay! Everyone is here! Off to Kame House we go!'

And so, with everyone in tow, the Son Family took off in the direction of Kame House. All of them trying to remain positive, but all of them well aware that the Androids wouldn't be far behind once they found that Goku wasn't home.

As the plane flew off, each of the passengers tried to distract themselves with day-to-day life. Launch and Raditz sat on either side of Future Ranch and Future Daikon. Launch gushed over her beautiful, grown daughter while also paying attention to the younger one in her arms. She also took the time to try and get to know her as-of-yet unborn son. Raditz nodded along with a smile as his wife swooned over their teenage children.

Future Daikon was hunched over, looking pretty uncomfortable. Future Ranch blushed, but couldn't make herself look her mother in the eye. Deep in her head, Future Ranch thought of her mother back home and that only served to make her already low mood worse.

As Future Ranch sat there, her head hung, Future Trunks walked over. He asked Future Daikon to scoot over and he sat down next to Future Ranch, allowing her to grab onto his arm and rest her head. Launch gasped. 'Oh my gosh! Are you two dating?!'

Future Trunks and Future Ranch's faces both glowed red. Launch laughed out loud. 'That's so cute! Oh my gosh! Raditz! Our daughter is dating Vegeta's son!'

That realization hit Raditz like a freight train. He tilted his head back and slapped his hand onto his forehead. 'Noooooo...'

He moaned. 'Kill me. Kill me now...'

Up in the front, Krillin and Yamcha both shared a chuckle at Raditz's lament.

And finally, Chi-Chi, Gine, and Gohan both sat at Goku's bedside. Having gotten her son back from the conflict for a brief period, Chi-Chi did what she did best. She laid down the books for her son and encouraged him to study. Gohan did so with gusto, happy to have a moments peace from everything he had experienced so far today.

As Gohan studied, Chi-Chi and Gine shot each other a knowing look. Being not only close in-laws, but really good friends, the two of them were almost able to speak without talking to one another. They shared a knowing glance and then looked over at Future Trunks, Future Daikon, and Future Ranch.

Something was certainly off here.

At Site Gamma, the former Red Ribbon Army HQ...

The blasted-out ruins of the former Red Ribbon Army Headquarters howled with a hollow wind as Tien walked through it. Each empty, crumbling building crawled with rats and remained inked in shadows. Tien mumbled to himself as he walked. 'Now...if I were a secret lab...'

He continued towards the center of the base, Commander Red's former fortress, and walked in. Most of the upper floors had collapsed down and a crater remained where the floor had caved down. In the center, a ball of rusted, purple metal laid. Tien shook his head. 'Goku was certainly one vicious, little monster when he was little...'

Tien shrugged as he walked by. 'But, it's not like these evil bastards didn't deserve it.'

As Tien explored around, blowing away debris, he eventually found a staircase leading down to a basement chamber. Down there, the three-eyed warrior found a large, steel door similar to the one he had seen back in the northern wilderness. 'This looks promising.'

Tien struck the door as hard as he could, but it didn't budge. He sneered. 'Damn it. What the hell is this thing made of?!'

He grumbled and looked down to the lower right, seeing a broken keypad and what appeared to be the hole meant for a key of some kind. Tien closed his eyes and shook his head. 'Okay, Master Shen, let's see if I remember any of your special tricks...'

Tien charged a bit of ki onto his fingertip and stuck it into the keyhole. After just a few moments, he heard something in the door crumble and then kicked it as hard as he could. The door flew in, smashing into the wall hard enough to make the wall itself crack. Tien looked around and saw nothing more than robotic frames hanging on the walls and various debris on the floor and tables.

The three-eyed warrior walked in and look around, before connecting back to the mental channel Chiaotzu had made. 'Hey Bulma...this place looks totally empty. Nothing more than a junk and robotic skeletons...'

Bulma communicated back. 'Have a look around just to make sure, Tien. Gero is wily. He might be hiding something...'

At Site Epsilon, under the sea...

Piccolo swam around underwater at high speed, his energy barrier giving him a pocket of air to breathe in as he zipped around. Deep down, in an underwater cave, the Namekian finally found what he was looking for: an old, mostly decayed, undersea fortress with a Red Ribbon Army logo faintly printed on the outer hull. Piccolo weaved around the base, eventually finding a hole on the outside of it and swimming inside.

After a few minutes of going through the various flooded hallways of the former base, Piccolo came upon a pocket of air to step into. The Namekian glanced around. 'This place seems to have been constructed specifically to avoid damage in a flood. The hallways and floors seem designed to specifically quarantine it off...'

A few steps down the hallway and Piccolo came upon a very familiar looking door. 'I see. Looks as if I've found it.'

Piccolo looked to his left and two his right, eventually finding a crack in the wall, caused by age, that he could slip his hand into. Once that was done, the Namekian simply felt around on the other side until he found the lock. With a quick twist, Piccolo unlocked the door. And then, with a simple push, yet another one of Dr. Gero's former labs had been discovered.

As Piccolo stepped into the lab, what he found was a pristine, clinically clean room. He looked at the various, neatly organized tables and found several dozen lab dishes full of bacteria and organic matter. Piccolo cocked his head. 'Hmm...'

He established the mental link. 'Bulma, this lab is full of organic material.'

The Namekian could hear Bulma's smirk in his mind. 'Cool! Steal all of it! I want to see it for myself~'

In the barren wasteland...

A large frown developed on Chiaotzu's face as the little dwarf opened his eyes. 'Oh, come on! You've got to be kidding me!'

He closed his eyes again, using his psychokinetic power to do a sweep in a seven-mile, spherical radius around him. Into the sky, under the ground, and all around...Chiaotzu found no sign to the Site Delta that he had been sent to search out. He shook his head. 'How is that possible? D-Did Dr. Gero make a mistake in his logs? Or, did he maybe change the coordinates so we couldn't find this particular lab...'

Chiaotzu sighed and connected to the mental link. 'Guys, I can't find anything here. I've looked everywhere and I even used my mental powers to scan for it. But I can't find anything...'

Piccolo spoke in Chiaotzu's brain. 'That's bizarre. The rest of us have found our locations with no issue...'

Tien spoke as well. 'Maybe Dr. Gero just made a mistake when he put the coordinates in his log?'

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Chiaotzu nodded. 'That's what I was thinking.'

Bulma quickly cut off that line of thought. 'I doubt it. A guy like Gero doesn't seem like the type to misrecord something like that...'

She sounded contemplative. 'It's more likely that it's there...he's just masking it from being found. I'm willing to bet that there's something juicy hidden in there that he doesn't want anyone to find until he's ready for them to find it.'

Piccolo spoke up. 'I don't like the sound of th-'

Bulma interrupted. 'Hold that thought. My computer is beeping at me.'

A moment of silence. And then, Bulma got back on the mental connection. 'Okay then, guys! My computer is done digging through Gero's system. And it looks like there's still one more sight to explore~'

Chiaotzu nodded. 'O-Okay. Well, maybe I can find that one if-'

Bulma interrupted again. 'Nah. I'd like for you to stay there. I have a few ideas for how we might be able to find Site Delta that involve your telekinetic and psychokinetic abilities. For now...I think I have someone in mind who can go and seek out Site Omega for us...'

On the plane carrying Goku to Kame House...

Gine silently looked over each of the Future Trio as they talked with everyone else aboard the plane. Future Trunks was a fine young man in her eyes, but his lack of a tail concerned her greatly. Future Ranch was a beautiful young woman with a strong personality, but she also radiated stress and anxiety from very pore with a constant subtle shake to her hands. And Future Daikon...he certainly did look like his father in Gine's humble opinion.

Suddenly, Gine was snapped from her deep thinking by the sound of ringing bells. 'What is that?'

Yamcha quickly reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell phone. 'Sorry, that's my ringtone for Bulma...'

Yamcha answered. 'Sup?'

He nodded. 'O-Okay...I can do that...'

He nodded again. 'Right. Okay. I think I know where that is...it's even farther north than North City, right?'

Yamcha seemed nervous, but he was agreeable. Okay. Jingle Village. Cool. I'll head there right away and send a signal if I find anything...'

The former bandit stood from his seat and cracked his neck. 'Okay guys, take care. I'm heading up north...'

Future Trunks spoke up. 'Is something the matter?'

Yamcha sighed. 'Your mother found another one of Gero's labs. She wants me to go and scout out where it might be.'

Future Daikon seemed concerned. 'A-Are you sure you don't want one of us to go in your place, Yamcha?'

Yamcha shook his head. 'Nah. I need to redeem myself after what happened back on Amenbo. Besides, Goku needs the strongest people here to protect him.'

Gine nodded. 'Just be careful out there, Yamcha.'

Yamcha sheepishly nodded. 'S-Sure thing...I'll try my best~ Heh...'

In the far north, on the outskirts near Jingle Village...

A howling, frigid wind blew over the wintery forest on the outskirts of Jingle Village. The people in the village happily lived their lives, blissfully unaware of the type of predators looming in the dark woods. His damaged form sparking, Dr. Gero stared hatefully at the village. 'Pathetic fools. Little more than ants waiting to be stepped on...'

Gero turned and stalked down a dark, cleared path into the woods. 'I will never understand why he chose to remain out here...'

The demented doctor continued to stalk down the path until he eventually came upon a small, lonesome house. He stepped up to the door, knocking and waiting. The door was quickly answered by a young woman in scrubs. 'Now who would be here in this blizzard? You're going to catch your death of-'

Quickly and cruelly, Gero jabbed his massive thumb into the side of the woman's head. She gasped, her eyes widening, and then the light faded from her face. Gero callously tossed her corpse to the ground. 'Catch my death, indeed...'

Suddenly, from the back room, Gero heard the familiar voice he had come to see. 'Latte?! Do we have a guest?!'

Gero stepped forward, his massive form barely fitting through the doorway. He followed the source of the voice to a small room in the back. The room was dim, lit only by an evening lamp and the shining light of several medical monitors. And laying in the bed in the center of it was the eponymous Dr. Flappe.

Dr. Gero stared at the old man, taking in the sights. Flappe was clearly at death's door. His eyes were hidden behind a pair of black glasses and he had no reaction to Gero entering the room. It seemed that Flappe had gone blind in his old age. Gero raised his hand up, ready to fire a blast and execute this last loose end. Flappe spoke up again. 'Latte! Is someone here?!'

Gero lowered his hand, gripping his fist. He stared at his former collaborator and sighed. 'Hello, Flappe.'

Dr. Flappe flinched. 'G-Gero?! Is...is that you, Gero?!'

Flappe broke out into a coughing fit. Gero nodded. 'Indeed. I see that you appear close to expiring.'

The dying old man chuckled. 'Always so clinical...'

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He wheezed. 'W-Where is Latte? She is...my nurse...'

Gero spoke bluntly. 'She seemed quite tired. I do believe she laid down for a rest.'

Flappe nodded. 'I see...well, she certainly deserves it...'

The old doctor chuckled. 'So, how have you been? It's been years since...since we worked together on the Android Project.'

Gero grumbled. 'Hmph. Since you helped construct that failure, Android 8, you mean...?'

Flappe shook his head. 'Oh Gero...always such a clinical person. How could you consider Android 8 a failure? He's a being that has learn to love the life he was given. He has adapted to the humanity provided for him. And... he even developed a sense of compassion. He forgave me for the bomb that we had installed into his chest...'

Flappe sniffled. 'So...so kind...'

Gero rolled his remaining eye. 'What good is compassion in what was meant to be a weapon? Android 8 was meant to kill humans. Not adapt and become one.'

Flappe shook his head. 'I suppose we shall never agree on this matter...'

The doctor chuckled. 'But I suppose history is what will decide which of us was right! And history has already decided that the Red Ribbon Army failed~'

Gero growled. 'Not due to a lack of military genius nor a lack of weapon versatility. Merely because Commander Red was a damned fool chasing a worthless goal.'

The crazed scientist looked around Flappe's home. 'Not that you are much better. What comfort do you find living in such a miserable little hovel?! Why would you not use your skills to extend your life, to live in a place more advanced than this, to put your genius out into the world and make sure that you are remember?!'

Flappe sighed. 'What is the point, Gero? You ask me to live forever or to preserve my legacy for all eternity? To what end, my friend...?'

Gero flinched. Flappe had a coughing fit. 'We are given one life, Gero. When it ends, for whatever reasons it ends, then it is over. Why try to push beyond that point? Why not just use the time you have for personal satisfaction? To live a life and be happy?'

Gero hung his head. 'Perhaps...I decided that the amount of life allotted was too little for my tastes...'

Flappe wheezed, clenching his chest. 'And what...what would...Gean and Gebo...have to say about that...? When is the...the last time...you...sp-spoke to either of them, G-Gero...?'

Gero remained deathly quiet. Dr. Flappe clenched his chest. 'Th-This is...is it...'

He reached into his coat, gasping, and handed Gero an envelope. 'M-My will...please give it...give it...it...to Latte. I leave everything to...to her...'

Gero took the envelope. 'Of course.'

Dr. Flappe gasped. 'Than...than...th..an..k...you...'

And then he fell limp. Gero stood, unplugging the sharply beeping monitor from the wall and pulled the blanket over Dr. Flappe's face. He stalked out of the room and towards the door, callously tossing Flappe's Will onto Latte's corpse. 'This is for you.'

Gero stepped back out into the cold and stared into the inky, black distance. 'Now...to head towards Site Omega...'

At the ruins of Muscle Tower...

Dr. Gero approached the frozen over ruins of Muscle Tower is a grim expression on his face. He used his enhanced strength to shift large chunks of rubble around, eventually finding a stairwell leading down. The doctor squeezed his hulking frame into the hallway, shredding apart bricks as he did, until he came upon a door. Gero leaned over and allowed the scanner to scan his eye. The door opened and he walked into it, allowing it to stay ajar behind him.

And completely unaware of the shadowy figure lurking behind him.

Within Site Omega...

Dr. Gero arrived into his laboratory, Site Omega, and finally collapsed into a chair. The seat strained under the doctor's weight and he groaned. Android 13 was a type of Android that needed periodically charging in order to maintain activity. Much like his own, Android 20, body, but without the energy absorption lenses. Gero groaned. 'This location should be perfect. Remote. Forgotten by time. Nothing of note was ever done here, minus the work on the original Android project.

Gero closed his eyes and thought back to those times. To himself, and Flappe, and Gean.

The doctor murmured to himself. 'Gean...'

But then, his injuries began to spark and his joints began to jolt. Gero scowled. 'Perhaps I should just place myself in stasis rather than attempt to transfer to a new frame on my own. Just...remove myself from all of this for the next 15 years...'

Gero's attention turned to the back corner of the lab. To the massive, glowing tube full of green fluid. In the center of that fluid, was a single, miniscule creature. Gero hobbled across the room, towards the tube, and placed his hand on the glass. 'My masterwork...'

He lurched over, barely able to support the weight of Android 13's hulking, blue body. '17 and 18 should be able to survive until you are born, my creation...just a little while longer...'

Gero just stood there, silently staring at the tube with his mouth slightly agape. And then, the doctor was shocked by the addition of a second, raspy voice to his one-man conversation. 'Hello, Doctor.'

Dr. Gero turned, and his remaining eye widened. 'What the hell?!'

Back at Site Beta...

Bulma looked over the pile of collected resources that Tien and Piccolo had brought back to her with a giant smile on her face. 'Oh~ You boys are too kind to me~'

Tien and Piccolo both stood stalwart. Chiaotzu, meanwhile, looked quite unhappy with himself. He sighed. 'I'm sorry, Bulma. I tried...'

Bulma waved him off. 'It's fine. I copied Gero's entire system memory to my hard-drive. I'll scan over everything later and see if I can find out what's going on with Site Delta.'

The scientist rubbed her chin. 'Honestly, what I'm more concerned about right now is Yamcha. None of you found Gero. So, unless he's hiding in Site Delta...then he's probably at the exact spot I sent Yamcha to find...'

She seemed genuinely worried. 'I hope he hasn't gotten himself killed or something...'

Piccolo nodded. 'Well, I think we would have sensed something that drastic. But, regardless, we'll head towards those coordinates and see if we can find him. And then, once we do that, we'll all regroup at Kame House and discuss our next move.'

Bulma smiled. 'Right. Until that time, I think I'm going to take all of my new goodies here and head back to Capsule Corp. Maybe me and my Dad can work out some solutions to the 16, 17, and 18 problem.'

Piccolo gave her a thumbs up. 'Alright. Just take care of yourself.'

Bulma gave a thumbs up back. 'Same. You three watch each other's backs!'

And with that, Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu took off. Exiting Site Beta, the three of them flew off to the far north, ready to corner and end the wicked Dr. Gero once and for all.

After they had left, Bulma turned to Yajirobe. 'Hey.'

Yajirobe looked up from Baby Trunks, whom he was gently cradling. 'What?'

Bulma motioned for him to follow. 'You've been a great babysitter. Come back to Capsule Corp with me and I'll hook you up with a new car.'

Yajirobe flinched. 'R-Really?!'

Bulma nodded. 'Yeah. But I want that hat on your head. I wanna see if Gero put any sort of secrets in it for me to find.'

Yajirobe eagerly nodded, following Bulma as she walked towards the exit. 'D-Deal! But I want a custom package on that car!'

Bulma sighed and rolled her eyes. 'Whatever...'

In the far north, Jingle Village...

Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu all stood on the snowy embankment overlooking Jingle Village. The snowstorm that had once plagued the area had stopped, leaving nothing but stillness and soft moonlight in its wake. Everything around the village was quiet. Piccolo snarled. 'Too quiet...'

Tien turned to him. 'What do you mean?'

Piccolo pointed to his ears. 'I have very sharp hearing. And that village down there, despite being lit up and having smoke curling from every chimney, is way too quiet. As in... there's not a single bit of human noise anywhere in that area...'

Chiaotzu flinched. 'Wh-What...?'

A bead of sweat rolled down Tien's face. 'So, what does that mean...?'

Piccolo stepped forward. 'It means we need to watch our asses. Gero could be somewhere in there...'

Tien and Chiaotzu both nodded, Chiaotzu swallowing a lump in his throat, and followed Piccolo down.

Things were no better for the trio as they entered the village. Doors were left hanging open, meals sat steaming hot on tables within the homes, fireplaces crackled with a homey warmness that seemed straight off of a holiday greeting card...and the streets of the town were littered with full outfits and various firearms.

Tien was genuinely shaken. 'What the hell happened here? All of these outfits are...shaped as if people were still wearing them...'

Chiaotzu bent down and stuck his finger in what appeared to be a stab wound on the back of a heavy coat. He cringed. 'These tears are all warm and damp...'

Piccolo gritted his teeth as he looked around at the silent village. He stared at the unnerving sight on the ground in front of him: a single, three-toed footprint in the snow. He thought of the only being he knew with three-toes and shook his head as he heard Frieza's wicked laughter in the back of his mind. 'No...it couldn't be...'

The Namekian clenched his fists. 'Even if he were somehow still alive, why would he-'

The sound of a heavy footstep in the snow drew Piccolo's attention to an alleyway to his left. He turned just in time to see a fearful-looking young woman charge out from the shadows at him, brandishing a wood-chopping axe. 'MONSTER!'

She swung and Piccolo dodged. The girl, wearing a bright yellow coat and with a head full of bright red hair, screeched in fear and distress and swung the axe again. 'Hateful, green goblin! Just leave! You've already taken enough! I won't let you kill them too!'

Dodging again, Piccolo shot a blast of energy from his eyes that blew the wood-chopping axe to pieces. Quickly, Tien and Chiaotzu stepped in to try to restrain and calm down the frantic young woman. Piccolo snarled at her. 'Calm down, would you?! Do I look like some kind of-'

Piccolo quickly remembered his outward appearance, and then remembered his evil bastard of a father. He shook his head. 'Nevermind. Just...look! I'm not any sort of threat to you! Okay? If I were, I would have simply killed you instead of just breaking that axe!'

The girl was frantic. 'N-No! No! You horrid, green beast! I don't trust you! Not after what...what you've...'

She glanced to the ground and stared at a coat on the ground at her feet. 'P-Papa...'

Tien looked around at just how many sets of clothes were littered on the ground. He shook his head. 'Th-This is crazy! What's going on around here...'

But then, from the ally that the girl had burst from, a weak, but familiar voice called out. 'S-Suno...it's okay. They aren't monsters...'

Piccolo, Tien, and Chiaotzu all instantly recognized the voice. Rushing into the alleyway, the three of them found a truly horrific sight. Laying on the ground in a broken, dismantled heap was Android 8. And laying in the snow next to him was Yamcha. The desert bandit weakly chuckled, his bruised and beaten form barely able to budge. 'H-Hey guys...'

Tien, Piccolo, and Chiaotzu all stared in shock. None of them could muster a word. As Yamcha laid there, all three of them turned their attention to his right leg...or lack thereof. Yamcha's pant leg was still there, but his shoe was gone...as well as the majority of the leg nearly up to the hip.

Yamcha weakly turned his attention to Suno, who had made her way back into the alleyway. 'Don't worry Suno...these guys are Goku's friends just like I am. They'll...they'll take care of you...'

And then, the desert bandit passed out. The three warriors stood there, with Suno silently sobbing in the background. None of them managed to utter a single word, but they all shared the exact same thought: What the hell was going on?!

At Kame House...

Master Roshi was kneeled next to his window, the sunlight sparkling off of the ocean reflecting off of his sunglasses. The old man sipped from his cup of tea and sighed. All was peaceful at Kame House. And then, a surprise met Roshi's eyes. He watched as a form that had never been on his little island before landed in the sand in front of him. 'Well well...wasn't expecting to see you here...'

Standing on the edge of the island, water lapping against his heels, Bardock glared at the Turtle Hermit. 'I'm not here to shoot the shit, old man. Kakarot told me that, beneath all of that lust and perversion, there's a martial arts master that knows a ton of useful techniques...'

Roshi sipped his tea. 'Maybe there is...'

Bardock sneered. 'Don't be coy. You should know what's been going on if you have any sort of fighter's senses.'

Roshi nodded. 'Maybe I do...'

The two of them glared at one another. Finally, Roshi spoke. 'You're such a serious, hardline person. I don't know if you could handle the Turtle-style. You look like you can move well and work well, and you definitely eat well...but you don't seem to be the type who plays well, learns well, or rests well...'

Bardock clenched his teeth. 'I don't have time for this old man. Can you teach me a certain move or not?! I only need the one!'

Roshi sighed and stood, stretching his back. 'Well, I suppose I could teach you one...maybe even two moves. But, if you wish to learn from me, you're doing it the proper way. The same way your son, Krillin, and Yamcha did...'

The old man disappeared deeper into his house for a moment, but then a pair of shoes, an orange gi, orange pants, and a pair of wristbands came flying out. And a heavy Turtle Shell followed it. Bardock stared down at the clothing at his feet. 'No. Hell no. People already get me confused for my kid; I don't need to start dressing like him!'

Roshi chuckled, stepping out of the house with his staff in one hand and a tobacco pipe in the other. 'You're a member of the Turtle School now, Bardock. You need to dress the part~'

Proofreading: StevenBodner